Why you should focus on a lifetime of learning?
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
― Henry Ford
Learning is a lifelong process. To learn is to grow. If you stop learning at any point in time, you are as good as a vegetable. Lifelong learning is very important for potential growth. It keeps your mind sound and sharp. It also helps you to stay abreast of societal issues and other things that matter.
Learning as a process can be a little excruciating, but only when you are not willing to learn. You should not mug anything up, but be inclined towards learning with all of your heart. Here are some reasons why lifelong learning is the way to survive in this sea of obliviousness .
Self — confidence
Self-confidence comes as a by product of learning. When you learn something, you grow and as you grow, your self-confidence amplifies. Having self-confidence or belief in self is proven to be very beneficial in life in various ways. Self-confidence will help you like an armor when it comes to supporting your spirit when life throws challenges at you.
Learning gives you an exposure to the world and that will be beneficial for you all your life. Exposure makes you learn things first-hand[n1] . Experience is very necessary in life to mark growth. Learning gives you exposure to a lot of new challenges in life and the disclosure that you get helps you overcome these challenges.
Healthy brain activity
It is a proven fact that constant learning leads to improved concentration and shows signs of enhanced brain activity. Healthy brain activity leads to a healthier self. When you put your brain through constant learning processes, you are sharpening your skills and knowledge and no knowledge gained is ever wasted. As we know, knowledge is one of the most powerful weapons on earth; so the sharper the better, am I right?
The learning process stimulates the brain to act/react faster than usual. It is also enables you to make a more informed judgement.
Well this is no news — the more learned you are, the more it increases your employability. The more employability options you have the more valuable you are to the society. With such less jobs and the economy crumbling, you should have all the skills that you can get to survive in this cut-throat world.
Social Awareness
Learning makes you aware of your surroundings. Not just mentally aware but socially aware too. You realize how the things around you are when you open yourself to all possibilities. You develop an opinion that is well informed and that makes you an asset to the country you are living in.
Social awareness is very necessary in today’s time, especially with everything that has been happening in the world currently. You should be informed and aware and that way you cannot be persuaded to do something that goes against your values and poses a threat to you and your fellow beings.
Keep learning, stay informed and let that be your biggest weapon.