What Customers want from a Direct Selling Company!

Sneha Batra
4 min readOct 9, 2020


In any kind of business, the customer is the most important part of its success and survival. However, this even more so true when it comes to a network marketing direct selling company in India. The main objective and benefit of a direct selling company are to bring the products directly into the hands of the customer.

Therefore, it is only natural that customer retention is a crucial part of keeping your direct selling company successful. However, many direct selling companies put more emphasis on getting newer customers than in retaining ones that they have.

The easiest means of retaining your customer is to give them what they want. Here are some of the things that you can do to keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

The quality of the product

There is an unspoken rule in the direct selling business that you should only sell products that you would yourself you. This is because if you cannot convince yourself that the product you are selling is the best, you will not be to convince others.

People want good quality products. It is one of the reasons why they turn to direct selling businesses. It is not rocket science that people love good quality products and are willing to go out of their way to get them. By assuring that your products are the best in the market, you will be able to create a dedicated fanbase of users who will not be willing to settle for anything less.

Give them a good deal

This can mean a number of things. Like mentioned in the entry above, people sought out direct selling companies for a couple of reasons. And one of them is that they are able to get a much better product for much lower prices. You can retain customers and get more of them by giving them good deals, discounts and offers.

You can also create a VIP group, where the most regular customers of your product get better prices and deals for their continued loyalty. While this can affect the total profit that you might get, it will pay dividends in the future. And you can save a lot on marketing and improve word-of-mouth publicity.

Good customer service

As a company that works best with word-of-mouth marketing, it is important to keep customer satisfaction and happiness high. A happy customer will share the news of a pleasant experience with his or her friends, family, and others. This is an effective way to increase exposure and publicity for your company.

The need for good customer service is even more crucial in this day and age of social media. A disgruntled customer can quickly go online and drastically reduce the company’s image and brand.

A sense of familiarity

This is fairly straight forward and easy to understand. Most direct selling companies sell a large part of their inventory to their friends, family and loved ones. People prefer to buy things from someone they know and can relate to. Therefore, it is important to try to replicate the same kind of feeling with your other customers. Making them feel like they are more than just a customer in your direct selling company can go a long way in creating a loyal buyer and bring more business to your company. Send them a festive greeting, remember their pet dog’s name, or wish them on their birthday. Such small and seemingly inconsequential acts can greatly change how your customer views you.

These are just some of the ways that anyone can improve their relationship with their customer and turn it into a following.

Direct selling is an industry that works best when the customer and seller are happy and wants to do business with each other. By following these small, cost-effective and simple steps, you can improve your direct selling business by giving the customer what they want.



Sneha Batra

Just a small town girl lost in the whole wide world. trying to find a path and be who she is meant to be.