Protein deficiency in urban India
Protein is one of the most essential nutrients of human beings. Protein serves as a building block of the body and provides fuel to your body. It helps make tissues stronger and build strength. Protein is, and will always be an integral part of your diet. The best sources of protein out there are, eggs, pulses, almonds, oats, chicken and turkey breasts, all fishes, milk, broccoli etc.
The lifestyle that we follow right now, doesn’t leave us with a good diet consisting of all the nutrients and fibres. We rely mostly on junk food these days. We are the “instant” generation. Instant noodles, instant payments and what not. Somewhere in the hectic lifestyle we often forget to take care of ourselves, the way we should. The fact that the average life expectancy has reduced from 80 to 67 now, says quite a lot.
Symptoms of protein deficiency
There are a lot of symptoms you can see that points out that you or someone around you has protein deficiency.
Hair, skin and nail problem
It is said that if you have any internal problem, it will be visible on your skin. It is true and has been true for ages. Protein deficiency can cause brittle nails, fading hair colour, thinning hair, flaky and pigmented skin etc.
Muscle Mass loss
Protein is what protects and strengthen our muscles. When anyone is suffering from protein deficiency, you will see that they have become lean and has loose muscles. When dietary protein is in short supply, the body tends to take protein from skeletal muscles to preserve more important tissues and body functions. As a result, lack of protein leads to muscle loss over time. When that happens, your bones become weak and it is very difficult to regain that protein.
More risks of bone fracture
As I said, when there isn’t enough protein, the body tends to take protein from the bones to preserve the important muscles. This process makes the bones very brittle and it is very difficult to restore the bone strength. Protein deficiency, hence, causes weak and brittle bone that are more prone to breakage. In such cases, it is very difficult to heal the broken bones.
Risk of infections
Protein deficiency leads to a weak immune system, and a weak immune system makes you susceptible to the risk of catching a lot of diseases. Since your immune system isn’t strong enough to fight these germs, your body isn’t strong to kick them out and you have to take medicines. All of this is caused by not eating healthy and not including enough protein in your diet.
What can you do?
Protein deficiency is a serious problem that should be addressed when faced. It may not seem as serious, but it is, and if not addressed soon, it may cause you some lifelong damages or problems. People prefer taking natural protein by consuming milk, eggs, kale, lentils etc. Some people however, prefer taking supplements like tablets, powder etc. Personally, I feel that these are not good options.
I have made sure that I give my kids enough protein in all forms possible, so that the core always stays strong. I have been trying a product by QNET called Kids Protein Power which comes in two flavours — vanilla Ice Cream flavour and Choco-butter Cookie.
They taste good, I have tried it. My husband and I take these with our kids. For people above 30, I would also suggest Revital and Yakult, which will keep you strong and healthy.