How to have healthy bones: Nutriplus BoneHealth!
Bone plays a number of important functions in our body. From providing structure to the body and protecting the various internal organs to storing calcium and anchoring muscles, healthy bones are an essential part of a healthy life. However, bone-related issues that arise due to age and lifestyle choices have become a growing concern in recent time.
Childhood and adolescence are when we build most of our muscle and bones. As we grow older, our bones begin to lose their strength. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you take good care of it. With a few lifestyle choices, a good diet and regular exercise, you can make sure that your bones are as strong as ever.
Why is bone health important?
Your bones are continuously undergoing a cycle of breakdown and regrowth. In your younger years, your body makes new bones faster than it breaks down older bones. This increases your bone mass, reaching peak bone mass around the age of 30. Your bones continue the cycle even after you hit 30, but the scales are reversed as more bone is broken down than created.
One of the biggest issues affecting many people as they age is osteoporosis. It is the condition in which bones become weak and brittle and is dependent on how much bone mass you were able to amass before you reach age 30 and how fast you are losing it after that. This means that the higher your peak bone mass, the less likely you are do develop the condition as you age.
I hope that you must have realised how important it is to have good bone health and why you should start early.
Factors affecting bone health
There are a number of factors that affect your bone health. These include
· Calcium in your diet: We are all aware of the importance of calcium when it comes to building strong bones. A diet that is low in calcium can lead to reduced bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of breaking and fracture.
· Physical activity: People who are physically active have a lower risk of suffering from osteoporosis as they age. This is become regular exercise and strain helps your bones strength and promotes growth.
· Tobacco and alcohol use: Studies have found out that there is a link between smoking and a reduction in bone strength. The same has also been seen in people who drink regularly.
· Gender: Women are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis when compared to men. This is because they have less bone tissue compared to men.
· Size: Your size and frame also play an important role in your bone health. People who are extremely thin or have a smaller body frame are at higher risk as they have less bone mass.
· Age: Fairly obvious. Your bones become weaker as you age.
· Hormone levels: Hormones also play an important role in keeping your bones healthy. Too much thyroid can cause your bone mass to suffer, while low levels of testosterone can affect bone health in men. In women, bone loss increases drastically after they hit menopause as there is a drop in estrogen levels.
· Eating disorder and health conditions: People who suffer from anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders also run the risk of bone loss. There are many health conditions like Crohn’s disease and Cushing’s disease that reduces your body’s ability to absorb carbon.
· Certain medications: Certain medicines have been shown to have a negative effect on bone health.
How to keep your bone healthy?
There are plenty of ways that you can take care of your bones. Getting the recommended amount of calcium in your diet is definitely a start. You should also make sure that you are getting enough Vitamin D as your body needs it to effectively use calcium. Physical exercise, especially weight-bearing exercises like walking and jogging can also go a long way in maintaining bone health as you age.
But sometimes, your body needs that extra push through the means of supplements to make sure that your bones are completely healthy.
Qnet Nutriplus BoneHealth is the ideal supplement if you want to protect and strengthen your bones. Filled with essential nutrients and minerals needed for healthy bones, Nutriplus BoneHealth improves bone density and the associated muscle health. Packed with all the essential building blocks to healthy bones and teeth, it also improves your immunity and reduces your chance of osteoporosis.
Making sure that your bones are strong and ready for the strain of modern life is very important if you wish you lead a happy and successful life. And with Qnet Nutriplus Bonehealth, it is easier than ever.