How to bring credibility to your direct selling business
Direct selling is all about confidence, making connections and building up a business. You need to be confident in order to talk to people, explain your pitch and you need to make connections in order to see growth in your business. But it is much more than just that. There are some small, implicit things that are very important in creating an impression. Let us dive into the details on how to bring credibility to your business.
Dress for the job you want
What I want to say with that statement is to dress appropriately. Dressing for the job you want would simply mean that you should dress for the part that you see yourself as. Also, dressing up can say a lot about you. The first impression that people have of you is after looking at you, for example: if you are dressed in shabby clothes and go for a meeting, there are chances that you may not be successful because that may show you are unreliable and would not land you the client. Whereas, if you dress up in neat, ironed and appropriate clothes that would show your credibility, create a good first impression and would build trust.
Be professional
Follow the work ethics when you are at work. Even if your client is someone that you have known for a while, make sure to not mix your professional and personal life. Let me explain it better: say your client is an old friend, you meet him to explain your pitch, but if you get distracted in between your pitch over something like an inside joke, that shows that you are not professional. So, you should make sure that work is work.
Be Honest
Something that can bring your business down like a crashing building is dishonesty. When you do business, you should be genuine about your products, pitch and everything else. Honesty is what would make you stand out and build an empire that will last decades. If you have read any biographies of Birla’s and Tata’s out there, you would have known that they all encountered a time in their lives where they could have lied and bagged very big contracts but they chose their morality over money, and we all know where it led them.
Brush up your communication skills
Credibility stands on the base of effective communication. When you are not able to communicate to the person effectively, how do you expect the person to place trust in you and expect you to build your business? Effective communication is required in all stages.
Work hard
Well there is no alternate to this now, is there? There is nothing you can do other than working hard and working smart that will help your business reach the highest. Being an entrepreneur is not an easy job. Your business is like your baby, you should be well prepared to put in nights, hard and constant work, total attention and a failure recovery plan. That is a lot of work and you need to be sure that you are ready to put in your 100% in this for the initial years at least.
Utilize the Power of Social Media
Social Media is a raging platform in today’s world. When establishing credibility, it can really help if you have a valid social media account. You can tag people, follow famous personalities, engage etc. You can also get your account verified once you have a certain number of followers and that may help you in establishing that your company is legit and verified. People are so hooked on social media these days that getting a ‘Blue Tick’ actually verifies authenticity. Realize the power of social media and use it wisely and it will benefit your business in numerous ways.